7 Day Platelet Dating
7 Day Platelet Dating with Safety Measure Testing…

Improves Safety
- Reduces the risk of bacterial contamination
Improves platelet availability
- Helps ensure a consistent supply
- Simplifies inventory management during weekends and holidays
- Provides inventory flexibility for managing rare HLA matched units
Provides Cost savings
- Reduces outdates and discards
- Can fully fund Safety Measure testing and provide additional savings
FDA Clearance
FDA clearances now make 7 Day platelet dating possible:
Recent FDA clearances of 7 Day platelet storage containers from Fenwal and Terumo allow extension of dating of Apheresis platelets in plasma to 7 days when tested with a “Safety Measure”
The Platelet PGD Test is the only rapid test FDA cleared as a “Safety Measure” for platelet testing
7 Day Platelets Are Safe
7 Day Platelets are Safe, Effective and Comparable to 5 Day platelets
A recently published major study in the UK comparing the clinical effectiveness of 7 day 5 day platelets in a Hematology patient population reported that:
- “Analysis using logistic regression…showed no significant difference in the proportion of patients with successful transfusions after administration of 2- to 5- versus 6- or 7-day PLTs”
- “In hematology patients, there was no evidence that 6- or 7-day PLTs were inferior to 2- to 5-day PLTs, as measured by proportion of patients with successful transfusions, bleeding events, or interval to next transfusion.”
Source: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/trf.13038/abstract
- DHHS blood utilization data reports that 12% of SDPs outdate annually in the US
- Testing on Day of transfusion on Day 6 or 7 with a Safety Measure offers the opportunity to virtually eliminate outdating
- Cost savings can fund testing and provide additional savings as a fundamental element of a blood conservation program
- Case Study Examples of what 7 Days Can mean to you
Write an SOP for testing and determine how you will label the bags
Test the platelets in storage containers cleared for 7 Days within 24 hours of transfusion on Day 6 or 7 with a Safety Measure like the Platelet PGD test
Update your FDA Registration by simply notifying the FDA
Click here for a simple how to guide.